Master Talk: The Role of Endoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Painful Degenerative Conditions of the Lumbar Spine

Although there are various methods to treat back pain, endoscopic spine surgery is the least invasive procedure to treat the patho-anatomy of low back pain and sciatica and is supported by the findings that low back pain most often occurs due to discogenic pain.
Endoscopic spine surgery is the most efficient and cost effective solution by practicing what is known as Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) which integrates clinical expertise, patients’ needs and values, and the best research evidence.
Dr. Anthony Yeung has given this Master Talk at multiple International Spine Meetings throughout 2017 in order to educate and advocate about the advantages of minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgery.
The 5 ‘E’s of Endoscopic Spine Surgery
- Evidence-based
- Endoscopically Visual
- Expedient/Efficient
- Economical
- Expertise-based
All of these things give endoscopic spine surgery an advantage over the more traditional fusion-based surgeries.
In this talk, Dr. Anthony Yeung speaks about the role of endoscopic spine surgery in the treatment of painful degenerative lumbar spine conditions and shares his 27 years experience regarding endoscopic spine surgery and where the procedure’s future is headed.
To learn more about the YESS™ Surgical Technique and other information about endoscopic spine surgery, please visit our Case Studies & Technique Videos, and other informative educational sections on or Desert Institute for Spine Care’s YouTube channel.