Joint IIT/ISASS MIS Workshop A Huge Success

The 4th International Intradiscal and Transforaminal (IIT) MIS Workshop was joined by the International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) for its most successful workshop ever. The cadaver workshop was oversubscribed three weeks before the workshop, and the attendees overwhelmingly gave the workshop its highest possible rating.
James Yue, M.D., Chief of Spine at Yale Medical School, co-chaired the workshop which featured international faculty, all rated as #1 in their respective countries in MIS spine surgery and were pioneers of currently practiced transforaminal and translaminar techniques.
The workshop also inaugurated the special MIS issue of the International Journal of ISASS, an open access journal. The faculty of the workshop contributed prominently to the special issue. I invite you to read the issue cover to cover as the articles validate the philosophy of performing the least invasive tissue sparing procedure that does not burn any bridges before fusion.
Welcome to the New IITTSS President
Dr. Satish Gore of Pune, India officially took over as president of IITTSS for the next two years. He will plan the next IITTSS supported workshop in Pune, India January 24, 25, and 26, 2015.
I remind those who want to be active members to send in their annual dues at $250/year, but $1,000 will give you a lifetime membership and form the nucleus of the committees and officers of the organization.
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