2016 One-day Mini-cadaver Workshop
By popular demand, a one-day cadaver workshop on February 7, 2016 is finalized for those wanting more training in the YESS inside-out endoscopic technique.
This workshop will immediately follow the Cedars Sinai 15th Annual Symposium on Current Concepts in Spinal Disorders where Dr. Anthony Yeung will be moderating a session on endoscopic surgery. Please consider attending at least the Saturday session of the Cedars Symposium.
The mini-cadaver workshop will be offered especially for members of IITTSS, those who have contacted Dr. Anthony Yeung, or those who have had previous exposure to transforaminal endoscopic decompression for intradiscal decompression for discogenic pain and HNP.
A new 70 degree scope to observe annular tears, as well as techniques of foraminoplasty with newly available foraminoplasty instruments made only by Richard Wolf USA, will be demonstrated to previous cadaver workshop attendees.
There are already 10 attendees confirmed requesting advanced training. Participation in the hands-on cadaver workshop will be limited to 20 participants.
The mini-cadaver workshop through IITTSS is to update members on new techniques and instrumentation for discogenic pain from toxic annular tears, lateral recess stenosis, nucleus augmentation and interspinous stabilization, and DRG neuromodulation. Sponsors are Richard Wolf USA, Elliquence, and Stimwave.

Where: Las Vegas, Nevada
Venue: Hampton Inn
Cost: Attendance cost of $500 for IITTSS lifetime members; $750 for other interested members in the IITTSS database
There will be an attendance cost of $500 for lifetime members who have been invited to and paid to be lifetime members of IITTSS, and $750 for other interested members in the IITTSS database, payable to IITTSS at the door, support our platform to offset the expenses of a cadaver workshop.
This will include a hosted buffet dinner at Red Wok Buffet, a Chinese restaurant Saturday evening, with introductory lectures to prepare for the Workshop. Hampton Inn offers a hot continental breakfast and a classroom for opening instructional talks. The mini-cadaver workshop will be on Superbowl Sunday, followed by a hosted Super Bowl Party at Dr. Anthony Yeung’s home on Sunday afternoon.
Accommodations have been arranged at the Hampton Inn – 2310 E HIGHLAND AVE 602-956-5221. Check the website of Hampton Inn for hotel registration details.
Those who can stay over ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY will have a chance to witness live endoscopic surgery emphasizing MIS disc decompression and foraminoplasty using new tools FOR FORAMINOPLASTY designed by Wolf with the help of Dr. Yeung, that is only available through Wolf USA and not Wolf GmBh. YOU WILL ALSO BE ABLE TO SEE DEMONSTRATION OF A 70 DEGREE SCOPE to enhance your results treating toxic annular tears.
A limited supply of Dr. Yeung’s newly designed instruments are available. If you are interested in purchasing these new instruments and cannulas, be prepared to buy them here or order through Richard Wolf Instrument Company in Vernon Hills, attention Tom Kienzle. You will also see how Dr. Yeung can facilitate transforaminal surgery with the tools available from a variety of vendors.
Because we are using 2 cadavers for hands-on, the attendees will be limited to 20 applicants. There will also be a third dissected cadaver available for review of anatomy so you can get oriented to foraminal anatomy unfamiliar to traditional surgeons. Some of you who are already performing endoscopic surgery, but who want to be updated on the YESS philosophy and technique, will have priority as long as you let Dr. Yeung know and confirm your attendance.
There will be a special session on Endoscopic MIS Surgery at the Cedars Sinai Symposium to be held in Las Vegas, February 4-6, 2016, where Dr. Yeung will present and will also serve as a moderator. This is Super Bowl weekend, but the meeting will end Saturday afternoon, giving attendees a chance to partake in the event. The Symposium is a comprehensive and thought-out meeting on a wide spectrum of surgical spine care where Transforaminal Endoscopic Surgery is given planned exposure by the program committee, consistent with our platform and goals.